
  • use flake
  • nix-command and flake experimental feature enabled.
  • inputs or self as one of specialArgs for nixosSystem
  • systemd.sysusers or services.userborn option enabled (means you need NixOS 24.11 or newer)

enable nix-command flakes features

Which almost user done.

Vaultix depends on flake and nix apps perform basic function.

nix.settings = {
  experimental-features = [

inputs or self as one of specialArgs for nixosSystem

For passing top-level flake arguments to nixos module.

This requirement may change in the future, with backward compatiblility. Looking forward for a better implementation in nixpkgs that more gracefully to do so.


  description = "An Example";

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
    vaultix.url = "github:milieuim/vaultix";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, ... }@inputs: { = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
      system = "x86_64-linux";

      specialArgs = {
        inherit self; # or inputs. You can inherit both as well.

      modules = [
      # ...
    # vaultix = ...

enable systemd.sysusers or services.userborn

sysusers was comes with Perlless Activation.

userborn was introduced in Aug 30 2024

Both available in NixOS 24.11 or newer.

Vaultix using systemd instead of old perl script for activating on system startup or switch.