

Vaultix relies on host ssh key controlling per-host secret access permission, which generated when each host first boot.

You could bootstrap the host with nixos-anywhere with --copy-host-keys, then optionally regenerate the host key after successfully boot. Or first deploy without vaultix.


In most cases you don't need these.

Manually deploy

This must be executed on local, and be sure all secrets re-encrypted before that, since there has no module to guarantee it in this case.

Manually deploy not affect next vaultix activation. It's a trick that helps you finish deploy while your flake options of vaultix broken:

This eval nixos vaultix configs to json.

nix eval .#nixosConfigurations.your-hostname.config.vaultix-debug --json > profile.json

So that you can feed it to vaultix cli directly:

nix run github:milieuim/vaultix -- -p ./profile.json deploy

To be notice that deploy secrets that needs to be extracted before user init (deploy with --early) in this way is meaningless.