flakeModule Options


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This is a flake module configuration, it should be written in your flake top-level or in flake module.

You could find the full definition here

flake.vaultix = {
  nodes = self.nixosConfigurations;
  identity = "/somewhere/age-yubikey-identity-deadbeef.txt";
  # extraRecipients = [ ];     # default
  # cache = "./secrets/cache"; # default


  • type: typeOf nixosConfigurations

NixOS systems that allow vaultix to manage. Generally pass self.nixosConfigurations will work, if you're using framework like colmena that produced unstandard system outputs, you need manually conversion, there always some way. For example, for colmena:

nodes = inherit ((colmena.lib.makeHive self.colmena).introspect (x: x)) nodes;


  • type: string or path

Age identity file.

Supports age native secrets (recommend protected with passphrase), this could be a:

  • string (Recommend), of absolute path to your local age identity. Thus it can avoid loading identity to nix store.

  • path, relative to your age identity in your configuration repository. Note that writing path directly will copy your private key into nix store, with Global READABLE.


Writing path directly (without ") will copy your private key into local nix store, with Global READABLE. Set path is safe only while your private key cannot be directly accessed, such as storing in yubikey or complex passphrase protected.

This is the identity that could decrypt all of your secret, take care of it.

Every path type variable in your nix configuration will load file to nix store, eventually shows as string of absolute path to nix store.


"/somewhere/age-yubikey-identity-7d5d5540.txt.pub" # note that is string,
                                                   # or your eval will be impure.

The Yubikey PIV identity with plugin provided better security, but the decryption speed (at re-encryption and edit stage) will depend on your yubikey device.

Since it inherited great compatibility of age, you could use yubikey. Feel free to test other plugins like age tpm.


  • type: list of string

Recipients used for backup. Any of identity of them will able to decrypt all secrets, like the identity.


String of path that relative to flake root, used for storing host public key re-encrypted secrets. It's default ./secrets/cache.

In this way your configuration will looks like:

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
    vaultix.url = "github:milieuim/vaultix";
  outputs =
    flake-parts.lib.mkFlake { inherit inputs; } ({ ... }:
      flake = {
        vaultix = {
          nodes = self.nixosConfigurations;
          identity = "/somewhere/some";
          cache = "./secrets/cache";
        nixosConfigurations = {
          tester = withSystem "x86_64-linux" ({system,...}:
            with inputs.nixpkgs;
            lib.nixosSystem {
              inherit system;
              specialArgs = {
                inherit self; # or..
              modules = [