- i18n & multilingual docs
- restart/reload sd unit control (after systemd varlink api)
- nix without framework compatible
parallel encryption &
decryption(age identity notSend
) - reduce duplicated reads
- secrets for users (pre-userborn extraction)
- optimize template placeholder map get
- test with os
- deploy to specified location
- move storageInStore into flake module
- impl template
- [edit] or [add] secret with extra encrypt key
- check command and corresponding nix infra
- vaultix.d in ramfs
- vaultix{,.d} permission set
- age plugin support
- [renc] calc hash and skip unchanged
metadata - nix integration
remote machine, compare hash, needs host priv key -
feed the toml after renced, thus store path changed -
eval in vaultix to json, reduce requirement